Medication Administration

Administration of Gonal-F

The manufacturer of Gonal-F, Merck Serono, provides detailed injection instructions including video examples at their website.  Please go to for injection instructions for this medication. Virginia Fertility & IVFuses the following preparations of Gonal-F. Please note which preparation you have been ordered to watch the correct video demonstration:

  • Gonal-F 75 IU Vials
  • Gonal-F 450 IU Multidose Vials
  • Gonal-F Redi-ject Pens in 300 IU, 450 IU, and 900 IU

Administration of Follistim

Please go to for injection instructions for this medication. 300 IU, 600 IU, or 900 IU Follistim pens may be ordered for you.

Administration of HCG 5,000 Units (Also called Novarel)*

*This is a trigger shot to induce ovulation. Do not take until instructed.


  • Vial of sterile water
  • 2 Vials of HCG (powder)
  • 3 cc syringe with 1 ½” needle (2)
  • 30 gauge ½” needle (2)
  • Alcohol wipe


  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Pop tops off of all 3 vials. Alcohol off the rubber tops of all 3 vials.
  3. Remove syringe from wrapper, tighten needle, & pull plunger back to 1 ml.
  4. Push needle through rubber stopper of water vial, push air in, and draw out 1 ml of water. The water vial is over-filled, so there will be extra water leftover.
  5. Push needle through rubber stopper of the first HCG vial, inject liquid slowly. You may gently swirl it with the needle still in the vial to mix.
  6. When medication is thoroughly mixed, pull the medication back up into the syringe.
  7. Push needle through rubber stopper of the second HCG vial, inject liquid slowly. You may gently swirl it with the needle still in the vial to mix.
  8. When medication is thoroughly mixed, pull the medication back up into the syringe.
  9. Recap the needle, unscrew it, and attach the 30 gauge needle by screwing it firmly onto the syringe. Leave the cap on until ready to inject.


  1. Sit comfortably, and expose the area to be injected; usually the abdomen, to the side of the belly button.
  2. Wipe the site with alcohol.
  3. Remove the needle cover, hold the syringe in your dominant hand so that you can easily press on the plunger.
  4. Gently pinch the skin.
  5. Insert the needle swiftly, straight into the skin (90 degree angle)
  6. Press the plunger in a controlled, steady manner.
  7. When fully injected, withdraw the needle and use clean gauze to stop any bleeding. Cover with band-aid if needed.
  8. Put used vials, needles and syringes into empty soda bottle, recap and dispose in trash.

*1 extra 3cc syringe and 1 extra 30g needle are included with the medication just in case one gets dropped or damaged. These can be discarded with the used needle and syringe if not needed.

*Injection area may get pink and swollen in a day or two; this is not cause for concern.  You may apply a cold compress for relief of discomfort.

*This medication triggers ovulation to occur approximately 38-40 hours after injection.

*This medication will turn a home pregnancy test positive for at least 12 days after injection. Please wait 14 days to test.

*A period would be considered “late” approximately 16-18 days after injection.

Administration of HCG 10,000 U (Alsco called Pregnyl)

*This is a trigger shot to induce ovulation.  Do not take until instructed.


  • Vial of sterile water
  • Ampule of HCG (powder)
  • 3 cc syringe with 1 ½” needle
  • 30 gauge ½” needle
  • Alcohol wipe


  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Pop tops off of both ampules.
  3. Remove syringe from wrapper, tighten needle, & pull plunger back to 1 ml.
  4. Push needle through rubber stopper of water ampule, push air in, and draw out 1 ml of water.
  5. Push needle through rubber stopper of HCG ampule, inject liquid slowly. You may gently swirl it with the needle still in the ampule to mix.
  6. When medication is thoroughly mixed, pull the medication back up into the syringe.
  7. Recap the needle and remove it by unscrewing it, and attach the 30 gauge needle by screwing it firmly onto the syringe. Leave the cap on until ready to inject.


  1. Sit comfortably, and expose the area to be injected; usually the abdomen, to the side of the belly button.
  2. Wipe the site with alcohol.
  3. Remove the needle cover; hold the syringe in your dominant hand so that you can easily press on the plunger.
  4. Gently pinch the skin.
  5. Insert the needle swiftly, straight into the skin (90’ angle)
  6. Press the plunger in a controlled, steady manner.
  7. When fully injected, withdraw the needle and use clean gauze to stop any bleeding. Cover with band aid if needed.
  8. Put used ampules, needles and syringes into empty soda bottle, recap and dispose in trash.

(Area may get pink and swollen in a day or two; this is not cause for concern.  You may apply a cold compress for relief of discomfort)

Administration of Menopur


  • Vial of sterile saline
  • Ampules of medication (powder)
  • 3 cc syringe with 1 ½” needle
  • 30 gauge ½” needle
  • Alcohol wipe


  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Pop tops off of all the ampules that you will use for this dose.
  3. Pop top off of ONE vial of sterile saline.
  4. Remove syringe from wrapper & tighten needle. Pull plunger back to 1 ml.
  5. Push needle through rubber stopper of saline vial, push in air, and then draw out 1 ml of saline (vial contains 2 ml).
  6. Push needle through rubber stopper of first medication ampule, inject liquid slowly. You may gently swirl it with the needle still in the ampule to mix.
  7. When medication is thoroughly mixed, pull the medication back up into the syringe.
  8. For each other ampule, repeat steps 6 and 7.
  9. Recap the needle and remove it by unscrewing it and attach the 30 gauge needle by screwing it firmly onto the syringe. Leave the cap on until ready to inject.


  1. Sit comfortably and expose the area to be injected; usually the abdomen, to the side of the belly button.
  2. Wipe the site with alcohol.
  3. Remove the needle cover; hold the syringe in your dominant hand so that you can easily press on the plunger.
  4. Gently pinch the skin.
  5. Insert the needle swiftly, straight into the skin (90’ angle)
  6. Press the plunger in a controlled, steady manner.
  7. When fully injected, withdraw the needle and use clean gauze to stop any bleeding. Cover with band aid if needed.
  8. Put used ampules, needles and syringes into empty soda bottle, recap and dispose in trash.

(Area may get pink and swollen in a day or two; this is not cause for concern.)

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