Success Rates

Current Virginia Fertility & IVF Success rates are shown in the graphs below.

Most IVF clinics in the country are members of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (SART, ) and report their success rates to this organization.  Below are our most recent (2020) success rates that are reported to SART.  All of these categories are calculated per attempted IVF stimulation cycle. 

Live Birth Rates

Explanation of Categories

Live Births per Intended Egg Retrieval (All Embryo Transfers)

Overall success rate. It is not uncommon to have multiple transfer attempts from a single IVF cycle when multiple embryos are created and cryopreserved.

Live Births per Intended Egg Retrieval (First Embryo Transfers)

Success rate from the first transfer attempt after an IVF cycle. This could be a fresh or frozen transfer.

Live Births per Intended Egg Retrieval (Second or Later Transfers)

Success rate from the second or later attempt. These are always frozen embryo transfers.

Live Births per New Patient

Success rates for new patients that started their first IVF procedure within the reporting year.

Live Birth per Embryo Transfer

Virginia Fertility & IVF IVF Success rates per embryo transfer in 2020 for patients that utilize preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) compared to those that did not utilize PGT. 

Cycles with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT)

Cycles with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) 2019

Cycles without preimplantation genetic testing (PGT)

Cycles without preimplantation genetic testing 2019

As noted above, we are members of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) and have agreed not to directly compare our success rates with any other IVF programs in our region or nationally (  To meet these requirements we have shown that we exceed national averages in nearly all categories.  The data below are from 2020.

National Averages

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