Pregnancy Tag

When embarking on the journey to parenthood, you probably know it’s important to maintain a healthy diet to provide essential nutrients. However, there’s another crucial aspect that deserves attention even before conception: prenatal vitamins. These specialized supplements play a significant role in optimizing your reproductive...

Preparing for Pregnancy in the New Year As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, the start of a new year often brings a sense of hope and fresh beginnings. If you're planning to embark on the journey of pregnancy, now is the...

Optimizing Your Natural Fertility: 7 Tips for a Successful Journey When it comes to building a family, many individuals and couples wish to explore natural fertility options before considering assisted reproductive techniques. At Virginia Fertility & IVF, we understand the importance of optimizing your natural fertility....

Is this the year you’re trying to get pregnant? Or have you recently found out you're pregnant after months or years of fertility treatments? Congratulations. This is an exciting time. Every aspect of your body’s wellbeing - including diet, exercise, and sleep - impacts fertility. The...

A two week vacation in the Bahamas feels more like two days, while the anticipated two week wait (TWW) can feel more like two years. It’s hard to let those hours, days and weeks tick by without feeling like you’ll lose your mind. But, you can,...

In addition to making you physically miserable, morning sickness is frustrating. It stymies your plans for eating right for your pregnancy, and feeling nauseous (or continuously heaving) interferes with work, social, and personal time. Also, for the record, morning sickness can strike at any time...

The healthier your body is, the more likely you are to conceive and experience a full-term pregnancy – whether you conceive at home or via fertility treatments. Trying to Conceive? Shift to a Pregnancy-Friendly Diet While most women know to stop drinking alcohol or to limit caffeine...

Preparation is often the key to success, and that goes for getting pregnant as well as optimizing the chances of fertility treatment success. The more we know about the holistic nature of the body, its systems, and the environment – including the mind-body connection – the...

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