infertility Tag

Optimizing Your Natural Fertility: 7 Tips for a Successful Journey When it comes to building a family, many individuals and couples wish to explore natural fertility options before considering assisted reproductive techniques. At Virginia Fertility & IVF, we understand the importance of optimizing your natural fertility....

The Link Between Testosterone Supplements and Low Sperm Counts in Men In recent years, the use of testosterone supplements has gained popularity among men seeking to boost their energy levels, muscle mass, and overall libido and well-being. However, an unintended consequence of these supplements is their...

We’ve had kids before, so why am I having difficulty getting pregnant again? For many couples or individuals who have successfully conceived a child in the past, the expectation of easily achieving future pregnancies can be taken for granted. However, secondary infertility is a reality that...

The legalization of marijuana, or cannabis, in multiple states, combined with the rise of THC-centered vaping and “health-related” products, makes it feel like cannabis products are perfectly safe. While topical use to reduce muscle pain may be acceptable, we recommend abstaining from ingesting or inhaling cannabis...

Taking birth control pills to enhance fertility seems like a direct contradiction. Most patients pursuing fertility treatments went off the pill long ago and are doing everything they can to encourage conception. Oddly enough, however, the birth control pill can play an important role in timing...

Are you seeking - and receiving - the infertility support you need? For some, an infertility diagnosis and the ensuing fertility journey are public knowledge - shared online via blog or social media posts and part of everyday communication with family members and friends. For...

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