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Is this the year you’re trying to get pregnant? Or have you recently found out you're pregnant after months or years of fertility treatments? Congratulations. This is an exciting time. Every aspect of your body’s wellbeing - including diet, exercise, and sleep - impacts fertility. The...

Lifestyle changes can have a marked effect on reproductive health, including positive turnarounds for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). If you are one of the 10% of women in the United States living with PCOS, speak to your physician about these natural ways to...

Pursuing fertility treatments is exciting – and possibly terrifying – which means it’s almost impossible to not stress out. Unfortunately, stress is the last thing your body needs because that fight/flight/freeze response to stress sends cortisol and adrenaline through your system, which can impede the beneficial...

Preparation is often the key to success, and that goes for getting pregnant as well as optimizing the chances of fertility treatment success. The more we know about the holistic nature of the body, its systems, and the environment – including the mind-body connection – the...

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