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[video width="1080" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] Egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) can be a successful way to preserve fertility for women who aren’t able to begin family building during their peak fertility window. Originally created to preserve fertility for cancer patients or those whose medical diagnosis or proposed treatment threatened...

Here at the Virginia Fertility & IVF, we’re honoring the first week of PCOS Awareness Month. The official aim of this federally designated event, hosted by the National Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Association, is to, “...

For many, an intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycle is the first step in the fertility treatment path. It is most used in conjunction with Clomid (a safe, effective oral fertility medication). IUI can support multiple infertility factors such as irregular ovulation, PCOS, and poor sperm count. While...

Did you know Clomid (chemically named Clomiphene Citrate) has been around since the 1960s? Its historical safety record and efficiency at helping women conceive is one of the many reasons why Clomid is considered a first-line fertility treatment for most women with an infertility diagnosis. The...

Couples trying to get an infertility diagnosis are often frustrated and dismayed when they hear the results are, “unexplained infertility.” Don’t get too discouraged, however, because the diagnosis should inspire hope. Studies have shown that as many as 43% of couples told they have unexplained infertility...

Did you know that men and women are equally susceptible to infertility factors? That’s right. Of all the couples diagnosed with infertility, half of them are infertile as the result of male fertility factors. The most common cause of male infertility is poor sperm count, quality,...

— Covid Update Notice

A two week vacation in the Bahamas feels more like two days, while the anticipated two week wait (TWW) can feel more like two years. It’s hard to let those hours, days and weeks tick by without feeling like you’ll lose your mind. But, you can,...

Preparing for your first IVF cycle requires attention in three realms: the logistical, the physical, and the mental/emotional. Take the time to review the following suggestions to enjoy a demystified and satisfying IVF experience. The IVF Logistics The more educated and informed you are about the process,...

Egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) offers the remarkable ability to preserve future fertility many years before you’re ready to start a family. It’s also the means of preserving fertility when it is compromised by a cancer diagnosis and/or treatment side effects. You benefit from optimal fertility chances...

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