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The holiday season is also travel season, and that means fertility patients should do some extra prep work. Travel delays, being away from home, and potential flight cancelations mean you need to be prepared to protect the integrity of fertility medications and your med dosing schedule. 5...

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Fertility Specialist These are the things that make the difference when it comes to getting the personalized fertility treatment you are looking for. 1. Length of time the center (and physicians) has been in business Longevity matters because it is a...

We are excited to see this new study just published in Fertility and Sterility that there is no proof in the rumor that having Covid-19 immunization or a prior infection causes fertility problems. This study is critical because vaccine hesitancy in reproductive-aged women is concerning and...

Lifestyle changes can have a marked effect on reproductive health, including positive turnarounds for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). If you are one of the 10% of women in the United States living with PCOS, speak to your physician about these natural ways to...

Question: What’s the best time to have sex to get pregnant? A) As frequently as possible B) The day you ovulate C) A couple of times in the days leading up to ovulation D) C & A Answer: D If you are healthy with no indication...

The legalization of marijuana, or cannabis, in multiple states, combined with the rise of THC-centered vaping and “health-related” products, makes it feel like cannabis products are perfectly safe. While topical use to reduce muscle pain may be acceptable, we recommend abstaining from ingesting or inhaling cannabis...

If you’ve been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), odds are you’ve read the phrase, “PCOS is one of the leading causes of female infertility in the United States.” And, if you’re planning to have a baby, that single phrase is enough to make you...

Taking birth control pills to enhance fertility seems like a direct contradiction. Most patients pursuing fertility treatments went off the pill long ago and are doing everything they can to encourage conception. Oddly enough, however, the birth control pill can play an important role in timing...

Your physical and emotional health are intrinsically linked to fertility health. Yet, equally important is the reality that your health is also intrinsically connected to your future baby’s health. Healthy Mothers Give Birth to Healthy Babies The statistics overwhelmingly support the reality that healthy mothers are far...

It can be tough when a fertility treatment cycle happens to span the holiday season. This is a beautiful but tricky time of year for anyone with an infertility diagnosis, but the rigorous schedule and stress around family, gifting, events, etc., can increase anxiety levels. Instead,...

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