Age and Female Fertility

Age and Fertility

Age and Female Fertility

Age and Female Fertility: Understanding the Impact

It’s no secret that as women get older, fertility problems tend to crop up more frequently. In our society especially, where women pursue rewarding careers and often delay starting a family in the process, deciding when to have a baby can feel daunting while facing a ticking biological clock.

At Virginia Fertility & IVF, we believe that having the right information empowers you to make the best decisions about your reproductive health. In this blog post, we discuss the impact of age on female fertility, providing you with valuable insights and guidance to help you on your journey to parenthood.

Understanding Fertility Decline with Age

Studies have consistently shown that as women get older, they are more likely to experience difficulties in getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and having a successful pregnancy. While there isn’t a specific age that serves as an absolute “fertility deadline,” research shows a clear correlation.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the decline in women’s fertility starts gradually but becomes more pronounced around the age of 32. After the age of 37, fertility decreases at a faster rate. ACOG recommends that women over 35 should undergo a fertility evaluation after six months of unsuccessful attempts to conceive and consider treatment. For women over 40, immediate evaluation and treatment are advised.

The decline in a woman’s ability to have children can be linked to various factors, primarily the decrease in both the number and quality of eggs as she gets older. It’s important to understand these changes in egg quantity and quality, especially when thinking about planning a family.

Age and Ovulation

As women age, their ovarian reserve, which refers to the number and quality of eggs, naturally gets lower. This means there are fewer eggs available for ovulation, which can make it harder to get pregnant. It’s also common for women to experience irregular periods and ovulate less frequently as they age.

Age and Egg Quality

As women get older, the quality of their eggs decreases too, making it more difficult for them to fertilize and implant successfully. Poor egg quality can also increase the risk of miscarriage and genetic abnormalities in embryos, such as Down syndrome.

Options for Women in their 30s and Beyond

If you’re in your 30s or beyond and planning to have children, it’s important to be proactive. Fertility preservation techniques, such as egg freezing, can help preserve your eggs while they are still of good quality. For women experiencing age-related fertility challenges, assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) can also be a viable option. IVF allows for the use of donor eggs, increasing the chances of pregnancy for older women. It’s important to consult with a fertility specialist to discuss the most suitable treatment plan based on your unique circumstances.


If you’re thinking about starting a family, it’s important to be aware of age-related changes and seek advice from a fertility specialist who can provide personalized guidance and support. And while age can pose challenges to female fertility, remember that every individual’s journey is different. At Virginia Fertility & IVF, our compassionate and experienced team is here to provide support, guidance, and individualized treatment options tailored to your needs. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

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